Céspedes G., Renato H.
CEO & Partner, RConsulting Group, ColombiaSupporting Smart Grid Technology for a Sustainable Energy Transition (in English)
Dr. Céspedes has experience in strategic assessment of power system operations and technologies, regulations, procedures and tools that help utilities to develop, operate and maintain more reliable and efficient power systems. This includes analysis and operational issues, Smart Grid concepts and automation systems with SCADA/energy management systems such as communication systems and distribution management system functions,... » READ MORE
Chisholm, William
T&D Consultant, CanadaDr. Chisholm is an expert in the effects of adverse weather on overhead power lines, including lightning and grounding, icing on insulators and thermal rating. He has been an IEEE Fellow for a decade – a distinction given after his long career at Ontario Hydro and Kinectrics.... » READ MORE
Da Silva, Daiana
Adjunct Professor & Researcher, Military Institute of Engineering, BrazilDr. Da Silva received her M.S and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Brazil. She joined the Military Institute of Engineering in 2018, where she works as Adjunct Professor and researcher in areas related to lightning protection,... » READ MORE
Damasceno Peixoto, Carla
Independent Consultant in HV Underground Lines, BrazilMs. Damasceno graduated as an Electrical Engineer from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) as well as an MBA from LACTEC and the Federal Fluminense University and completed postgraduate work in power systems at UFRJ.... » READ MORE
Darshan, Kavin
Collaborator, ASAsoft (Canada), Department of Chemistry, University of Victoria, CanadaMr. Darshan holds a Master’s Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Windsor. For the past 3 years, he has been actively involved with ASAsoft, a prominent player in grid modernization and also Cleantech.... » READ MORE
De Fina, Laura
R&D Expert for Bushings, GE Grid Solutions, ItalyBushings Technologies & Monitoring: Best Practice for Reliable Asset Management (in English)
Dr. de Fina received her M. S. Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Milano Polytechnic University in 2003. After graduation, she joined different companies in Energy and Automation business, working in technical area. Since 2017, she has been working as R&D Expert at GE Grid Solution for HVDC and RIP AC bushings and also in charge of development of HVDC bushings.... » READ MORE
De Gracia Saucedo, Armando
Director, Colegio de Ingenieros Electricistas, Mecánico y de la Industria (CIEMI), PanamaMr. De Gracia graduated from the Technological University of Panama, has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Finance from the Interamerican University of Panama and is currently pursuing a PhD in Renewable Energy. He is President of Solar Solutions Suppliers and Technical Advisor to the Istmo Solar Energy Group.... » READ MORE
de Nigris, Michele
Director, Sustainable Development & Energy Sources, RSE, ItalyMr. de Nigris is Director of the Sustainable Development and Energy Sources Department of RSE – Research on the Energy System. An Electrical engineer, he actively worked in the transmission and distribution technologies sector at CESI and subsequently in RSE,... » READ MORE
de Santos, Héctor
Engineering Manager, Shanghai Shemar Power Engineering, Spain.Dr. de Santos received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the ICAI School of Engineering in Madrid. His dissertation focused on novel applications of Artificial Intelligence for high voltage insulators and he was awarded “Cum Laude” distinction by the examining board.... » READ MORE
Díaz, Luis
R&D Engineer, RTE (TSO), FranceDr. Diaz obtained his Engineering Degree from the University Simon Bolivar in Caracas, Venezuela. He then furthered his education with a Master of Science in Power Engineering in 2012, later earning a Ph.D. in High Frequency Electronics from the University of Limoges in France through a CIFRE program in collaboration with EDF R&D.... » READ MORE
Dickson Barrera, Ronald Felipe
Operational Analysis Engineer, ISA Intercolombia, ColombiaLightning Analysis on Overhead Line Operation: Experience in Colombia (in English & in Spanish)
Mr. Dickson received his Electrical and Electronic Engineering Degree from Technological University of Bolivar in Colombia and holds an MSc in Electrical Power from Newcastle University in England, with specialization in Electric Energy Distribution and Transmission Systems from Universidad de los Andes in Colombia.... » READ MORE
Doutrelepont, Alexander
Global Sales Development, Trench & HSP Group, GermanyMr. Doutrelepont holds a Degree as Dipl. Ing. from the University RWTH in Aachen, Germany and has over 28 years of experience in the high voltage industry. He has worked at several companies in different positions such as technical sales,... » READ MORE
Edwards, Jordan
Manager, CRWN.ai, CanadaMr. Edwards has B.Sc and has spent the past 10 years leading engineering teams of +20. He has used his growing experience and knowledge of AI, machine learning and big data to help penetrate and transform decision-making in regulated industries such as electricity supply.... » READ MORE
Essackjee, Ismaël Adam
Acting Manager, Transmission, Central Electricity Board, MauritiusDr. Essackjee holds an MBA from the Management College of Southern Africa and is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) from the Project Management Institute (USA). He has had two decades of work experience at the sole power utility in Mauritius,... » READ MORE
Filipović-Grčić, Dalibor
Director, Koncar-Electrical Engineering Institute, CroatiaDr. Filipovic-Grcic received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. Degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Zagreb’s Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. He joined Končar – Electrical Engineering Institute in 2004 and his main experience has been in the areas of laboratory and on-site testing and R&D of bushings and instrument transformers.... » READ MORE