Znaidi, Raouf

T&D Expert, Tunisia

Znaidi, Raouf

T&D Expert, Tunisia


Pollution Mapping & Testing to Assist Decisions on Application of HV Insulator Coatings: Experience in MENA Region (in English)

Mr. Znaidi has spent more than 35 years carrying out field and laboratory testing programs on different Insulator materials and types under severe service conditions, particularly in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia. This has included designing naturally polluted insulator test stations In Tunisia, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Pakistan. He is active in Cigre and has co-authored Technical Brochures dealing with polluted insulators and high voltage insulator coatings He has also presented more than 35 papers at major international conferences and served as Editorial Contributor to INMR, where he published articles based on field visits to utilities. In 2020, he received the Claude de Tourreil Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Field of Electrical Insulators.