Power Utility Perspective on Site Pollution Severity Assessment
Dr. Vosloo is a distinguished international expert in the field of electrical insulation. Over a career spanning decades at one of the world’s largest power utiliies, he has presented many training courses in the field and also authored over 100 papers on high voltage insulators. His published texts include: “The Practical Guide to Outdoor High Voltage Insulators”, co-authored by Roy Macey and Dr. Claude de Tourreil, and “High Voltage Engineering Practice and Theory” along with Dr. Holtzhausen. He is recipient of the SAIEE President’s Award for contribution to development of high voltage insulator research, investigation capabilities and standards in South Africa as well as the Claude de Tourreil Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement in Field of Electrical Insulation. Dr. Vosloo is active in several national and international working groups.