1. Development of a Frequency Dependent Temporary Overvoltage (TOV) EMT Model for Gapless Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters (in English)
2. Switching Overvoltage Stresses on Sheath Voltage Limiters Due to Cable Circuit Energization: Failure Investigation & Lessons Learned
(in English)
Mr. Velitsikakis received his M.Sc. in High Voltage Engineering from the Technical University of Delft in 2013 and works as senior expert in the field of Insulation Coordination and Electromagnetic Transient (EMT) studies for HV and EHV transmission systems. Currently, he is Secretary of the CIGRÉ Working Groups C4.46 ” Evaluation of Temporary Overvoltages in Power Systems due to Low Order Harmonic Resonances” and B1/C4.69 “Insulation Coordination of HVAC Cables”.