Macey, Roy

Director, Mace Technologies International, South Africa

Macey, Roy

Director, Mace Technologies International, South Africa


Applying RTV Coatings in Polluted Service Environments: 30 Years Experience & Lessons Learned (in English)

Roy Macey has been involved in design, performance and maintenance of high voltage insulators for five decades. Both his BSc and MSc theses were on outdoor insulation and he established the first pollution severity surveys and energized insulator test stations in South Africa. He has authored numerous technical papers and co-presented insulator courses in South Africa, Namibia, New Zealand, Australia, Norway and the United States. Co-author of the book “The Practical Guide to Outdoor High Voltage Insulators”, he is a Distinguished Member of CIGRE and has participated in many Working Groups while also being a Member of Study Committee B2 and serving on the Technical and Executive Boards of CIGRE South Africa.