After-Laying Testing of Very Long HV & EHV Offshore Wind Farms Export Cables (in English)
Dr. Gulski, an IEEE Fellow, received his M.Sc. in information technology from Dresden Univ. of Technology, a Ph.D. from Delft Univ. of Technology and a Doctor Habilitatus from Warsaw Univ. of Technology. A former Professor at Poznan Univ. of Technology and most recently at Lodz Univ. of Technology, he is CEO of an organization of independent companies providing knowledge to power utilities. He has served as Chairman of 4 Cigré Working Groups and is presently Chairman IEEE Working Group PE/IC/F05W/400.4 P400.4, Chairman of IEEE PES ICC Sub G TNL and Swiss member of Cigré WG B1.38. He is author/co-author of 380 publications and 3 books on HV Diagnostics and Asset Management.