Stapleton, Glenn

Principal Engineer, Transmission Lines & Cables, Powerlink, Australia

Stapleton, Glenn

Principal Engineer, Transmission Lines & Cables, Powerlink, Australia


1. To Install or Not to Install EGLAs: An Important Utility Decision (in English)
2. Application of RTV Coated Disk Insulators: Experience, Reliability Improvements & Observations in Australia’s Wet Tropics (in English)

Mr. Stapleton received his Bachelor of Electrical and Computer Engineering followed by a Graduate Certificate in Electricity Supply Engineering from Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane. He has worked in the electricity supply industry for 30 years holding roles in system planning, HV testing, EHV design & construction management and procurement for overhead and underground lines from 66 to 500 kV. He presently heads development and application of standards for HV and EHV overhead lines and underground cables and is also Convenor of Australian Standards EL-10 Overhead Lines Committee, whose portfolio covers maintenance and refinement of standards for conductors, insulators, hardware and aerial marking. Active in CIGRE B2 Overhead Lines Australian Committee, he is a Fellow of Engineers Australia.