Damasceno Peixoto, Carla

Independent Consultant in HV Underground Lines, Brazil

Damasceno Peixoto, Carla

Independent Consultant in HV Underground Lines, Brazil


Practical Condition Assessment of Underground Cables Through Monitoring Failure Statistics in High-Voltage Underground Systems: Experience in Brazil (in English)

Ms. Damasceno graduated as an Electrical Engineer from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) as well as an MBA from LACTEC and the Federal Fluminense University and completed postgraduate work in power systems at UFRJ. An active member of CIGRE SC B1 (Insulated Cables), she has served in the Strategic Advisory Group and Tutorial Advisory Group as well as Convener of SC B1 Customer Advisory Group and is a Women in Energy Representative. She has experience in Project and Installation Management of Underground Lines as an Engineer in the Energy Transmission and Distribution Utility of Rio de Janeiro City, Light SESA.