Patel, Poorvi

Manager, Strategic Insight, Technology Innovation, EPRI, United States

Patel, Poorvi

Manager, Strategic Insight, Technology Innovation, EPRI, United States


Online Bushing Monitoring Systems & Review of Updated IEEE Guide (in English)

Dr. Patel has many years of experience in transformers and transformer accessories such as bushings, including their online monitoring, forensics and diagnostics. She has also researched on how 24/7 monitoring of assets could be performed with a substation inspection robot. Poorvi has been a member of the PES of the IEEE since 2007 and is actively involved in the work of the IEEE/PES Transformers Committee. She is the key contributor of the C57.161 DFR Guide, C57.12.200 DFR Guide for bushings and is currently the Sub-Committee Chair of the IEEE Dielectric Tests. She is Vice-Chair in the revision of IEEE Monitoring Guide C57.143 and IEEE SFRA guide C57.149 and has also been a key contributor & TF-leader in the Cigre A2.53 SFRA Guide.